The Hill: Facebook case demonstrates gaps in data ownership laws

The Hill: Facebook case demonstrates gaps in data ownership laws

Op-Ed Written By Congressman Jim Langevin

A recent survey indicated that users have little trust in Facebook to follow privacy laws. Trust is the operative word. Privacy policies, account settings, and terms of use play a larger role than any federal law in limiting the use of personal data beyond health or financial information. We extend a great deal of trust to a company when we give them our personal information – trust that they will take care of our data and abide by the contracts that govern our relationship. But after three decades of explosive growth in data harvesting, recent events make it clear that trust may be misplaced.

Facebook’s conduct with the underhanded campaign consultancy firm, Cambridge Analytica, has laid bare the limits of data protection law. Facebook users are the victims in this case – yet the company may only be liable under federal law if it also violated one of its written contracts with users. The innovations of the Information Age have outstripped the U.S. legal system’s protections for individual control over how our personal information is shared and used. It is time for that to change.

As the complexity of data sharing increases, so does the possibility that our information will be used in ways we never intended or authorized. Take the Facebook case. I challenge anyone to find a single one of the millions of affected users who provided information to Facebook with the expectation that Cambridge Analytica would use it to develop “psychographic” voting profiles for targeted political ads.I fully expect the players in the Cambridge Analytica case to come before Congress to testify, which CEO Mark Zurckerberg is scheduled to do next week, and which I called for following news reports in The New York Times and The Sunday Observer. More transparency is essential for policymakers to fully grasp the implications of this incident, and Facebook owes its users and shareholders – both of which I am – a full accounting of its actions. However, the available reporting is enough to provide a framework to explore policy options for strengthening controls on data usage.

Facebook reportedly learned that Cambridge Analytica had acquired millions of users’ profiles two years ago. At the time, Facebook sent letters to Cambridge Analytica and an associated researcher insisting that they delete the information. However, two important things did not happen: Facebook did not positively verify disposal of the data through an audit, and no individuals were notified that their private information had been used in a way they had not authorized. There were no federal requirements that either happen, just trust in the parties involved. Having seen that trust doubly betrayed, we may need new law to impose rigorous notification and disposal requirements when users’ data is shared improperly.

Facebook has stated that it was a violation of their agreements with Aleksandr Kogan, the Cambridge University researcher who initially collected the data, for him to sell or license it to Cambridge Analytica. This defense misses the point that granting unfettered access to raw data makes it technically and legally difficult to enforce limitations on data usage and sharing. Facebook extended trust to the researcher, on behalf of its users and without their knowledge, that the data would be used and protected in accordance with its terms. Those terms also allowed apps like the researcher used to collect data not only about users who explicitly authorized the app to do so, but also about their friends. While Facebook revoked that policy in 2014, there remains no legal requirement that users directly consent to sharing.

Finally, central to this case is the data that the affected users gave to Facebook in the first place. As a condition of joining the social network, users were required to agree to a privacy policy – whether or not they read and understood it – and could only modify the privacy settings Facebook chose to make available. As remarkable as it may sound, this is standard practice. The companies we do business with decide what they can do with our data and what control over those uses they offer to us; we don’t get to choose. Our only alternative is not to use a service at all, and that is less and less of an option in our Internet-enabled economy. Congress could change the law to require that companies give users granular control of their data and codify the right to know how, when and with whom that data is shared.

As long as data sharing adheres to published terms of use, the law does not prohibit most companies from selling or licensing access to your data, for virtually any purpose or duration, without notice to you. They have no obligation to verify that recipients of your data are not abusing it. Without laws to the contrary, we are left to trust service providers that our data will not be misused, misplaced, or misappropriated. Facebook violated that trust, and Congress must take action to update the law to put control of digital identities in more trusted hands – our own.

Langevin represents Rhode Island’s 2nd District. He is co-chair of the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus.


Portsmouth Daily Times: Joint letter urges forgiveness of loans

Portsmouth Daily Times: Joint letter urges forgiveness of loans

By Staff Writers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – If Congressional lawmakers are able to persuade U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to see things their way, parents of students who borrow money and then become totally and permanently disabled may have their loan debt erased.

U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) and Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) have sent a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos requesting the discharge of Parent PLUS Loans taken out on behalf of students who become totally and permanently disabled. They were joined by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Congressmen Peter Roskam (R-IL), Ron Kind (D-WI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL).

“Federal law already recognizes that the difficulties that befall someone who sustains a total and permanent disability necessitate a pathway to student loan forgiveness. Parents also deserve access to this debt relief,” the lawmakers wrote. “When a child becomes totally and permanently disabled, parents should not be forced to continue bearing the burden of student loan debt.”

When a student borrower becomes totally and permanently disabled, they are discharged from having to repay most federal loans. Parents who borrow funds on their child’s behalf, however, remain liable for the debt even when their child sustains a total and permanent disability. The average Parent PLUS loan in 2016-2017 was $15,880, an immense cost for parents to bear while also caring for their disabled child.

Last December, Portman introduced Domenic’s Law (S. 2258), legislation to allow a parent whose child develops a total and permanent disability to qualify for student loan discharge. In May 2017, Langevin introduced the bipartisan PLUS Loan Disability Forgiveness Act (H.R. 2270), a similar bill in the House.