“Our President isn’t a King. We have a Congress that is required to both authorize those actions and appropriate money. The President can’t just by executive order spend what some people say will be up to $20 billion dollars,” said Congressman David Cicilline.
Congressman Cicilline firmly voicing his opposition hours after the announcement.
“When your own Secretary of Homeland Security says a wall won’t do the trick, this seems to me to me to be real folly. A lot of theater, a commitment to a campaign promise he made but not in the national security interest of the United States,” said Congressman Cicilline.
Congressman Jim Langevin calls the plan an outdated solution that will not accomplish what it is intended to.
“You’re talking about potentially billions of dollars that will be spent on a wall that is a 19th century solution to a 21st century problem,” said Congressman Langevin.
The Congressman admits the immigration system is broken, but says there are better options.
“What we should do is be using technology more effectively whether it’s drones or sensors to alert border patrols that there might be someone that is trying to enter the country,” said Congressman Langevin.
As the dust settles on President Trump’s announcement, a local advocate for immigrants, Juan Garcia, says the news has created fear among many undocumented citizens here in Rhode Island. He’s now left trying to reassure them.
“I would say to the people don’t be scared. Stay calm,” said Garcia.